F.A.Q. - (athletes)
What Exactly Is the Process? Once an athlete submits their application they will be notified of it's status within 24 hours & theh, within 14 days they will be receiving an invitation to the Astir H.Q. alongside an official NFT minted on the Official Astir NFT Deployer. Please be advised, BitAstir anticipates that athletes will be fully processed within a week's time (5/7days) - however, unexpected delays may occur & thus at the early stages ask our audience to please be patient.
What do Athletes Get for Joining? - Access to the official Astir Head Quarters - 1,111 $BITA tokens staked on their behalf - 11,111 $BITA token booster Pack - Access to Alpha Bounties - Exclusive Minting Rights (in perpetuity) - Auto-Entry in Weekly MasterSport Raffle - Certificate of BitAfication - Priority Placement during mainnet IAO
What is Expected of the Athletes after they Register? Athletes that are chosen to the Astir platform have no material obligations outside of their reputational commitments that will be require them to contribute as follows: - Building the platform(s) - Refining product(s) - Giving Feedback - Interacting with the community - Alpha Test - Be as active as possible every day
What Happens with the Data from the Alpha OnBoarding? All of the Data collected by BitAstir will be securely stored & kept off chain. None of the information will be sold, nor will it be given to data analytic companies to extrapolate meta-data from. It merely will be used to build the seed database for the BitAstir Organization On-Chain. * Data that is not used will be permanently destroyed 60 days after the closure of the Alpha On-boarding. ** Non-sensitive Data that pertains to chosen athlete's will be pushed to ON-chain & used to establish Low-fidelity "proof-of-recognition" Identities.
When Does the Alpha OnBoarding End? The Alpha OnBoarding Phase concludes in the event that one of two parameters are met: a. The Max amount of applications are submitted --> 2,500 applications b. The Cut Off Date is reached --> August 30, 2022.
Last updated